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Wood Bricks, Wooden Bricks, Woodbricks – A Great Story

The concept of Wood Bricks, using wood pieces like masonry bricks is an old idea that Cook Lumber has modernized into a great new Wooden Bricks product. Wood pieces have been stacked like wood bricks for interior designs dating back to the 1950’s, but those wood bricks and various types of wood brick / wooden bricks concepts since then were not actually interlocking pieces and didn’t have the simulated mortar spaces, the bevels, etc. Those old wood bricks / wooden bricks were just individual pieces of wood nailed next to each other. These wood bricks or wooden bricks as they were called, were used on walls and floors, but because they were individual and nailed pieces, they often didn’t hold up well and they would separate, split, fall apart, etc. Thus, even though these wood bricks created a beautiful look, their drawbacks led to them not being used much anymore.

That is where Cook Lumber’s new Woodbricks product comes in. This new version of wooden bricks is very different. They actually look like wood bricks, they have mortar lines and bevels, they interlock (see instructions sheet), and they are easily installed with just 1 small nail per piece (no glue is needed). Woodbricks are available in a wide variety of native Indiana hardwood species, including Walnut, Cherry, Red Oak, Wormy Maple, Sassafras and more. See a full list of the Woodbricks species available, as well as a sample wall panel photo of each.

Woodbricks can be used for a wide variety of projects and applications from wood paneling and wainscoting, to bars, fireplaces, special projects, and much, much more. See our Woodbricks Photo Gallery of ideas. Our Woodbricks are extremely durable, while also offering the natural beauty of the hardwood lumber. Cook Lumber has obtained the full rights to Woodbricks and is excited to be producing this unique, beautiful and durable product. The manufacturing of Woodbricks requires custom built and proprietary machinery, as well as many years of experience in working with hardwood lumber.

The concept of wood bricks or wooden bricks has come a long way over the years. Cook Lumber’s new Woodbricks product is the culmination of many years of research, testing and refining. They are definitely not the wood bricks of the past. Learn more today!

Wood bricks Wood bricks Wood bricks Wood bricks Wood bricks Wood bricks